Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16th Photo - Sense of Motion

My girl took today's photo of the day. I love it when she plays along with me!


  1. Great photo for the theme! I love the dark, and the catch of the rear-view mirror in the photo.

  2. I was tagged by Mary Lou, Terri and I'm tagging you!

    Here are the rules:
    •Go to your photo folder on your computer

    •Go to the 6th folder of photos
•Go to the sixth picture

    •Put the picture on your blog and a description of it

    •Invite six friends to join the challenge
•Link them in your blog
    As they say: Tag, you're it!

  3. What a spectacular photo of motion! I just love it.

  4. I'm finally getting caught but I think I want a helper too! *grin* Fab shot she got there!
