Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27th Photo - Baked Goods

Went to Starbucks again today for a coffee on my break. While I was waiting in line, I took this shot of their breakfast muffins and such. Wonder what the people in line thought of me while I was snapping pics lol


  1. Like your going to worry about people when there is exposure, shutter speed, ISO is the battery charged, to worry about, you know important stuff, tasty shot.

  2. Oooh, those all look yummy! Starbucks is less than a mile away from me. (No! Don't get in the car! Sit! Stay! LOL)

  3. Unfortunatley, Starbucks is one of my favoirtes! I have never tempted myself w/ their breads and pastries, but these do look good!

  4. what ever happened to their peanut butter oat bar...Deelish! Now I'm eyeing that lemon poppyseed one. hehehe

    *note to sel: never come blurfing when hungry! lol

  5. They probably thought you were a tourist!! Great shot.

  6. I spot a few of my favorites there!

    I've heard Starbucks' corporate policy is not to allow photos within the stores, so I'm always amazed at how many photos I see. I'm assuming your camera wasn't confiscated??? ;-)
